29 November 2006

Betta Albimarginata

Albimarginata is a very small mouthbrooder. Albimarginata means white edge, a very appropriate name for the fish as its dorsal, caudal and anal fin has a white edge. I got this fish through a hobbyist here. The biggest spawn it produced was 61 fries. Actually, it should be 62 but unfortunately, 1 died after getting wedged into a crevice in the bogwood. Beautiful creature especially during courtship.

Unusual Cactus from my mom

Got this unusual cactus plant from my mom. It has 4 sided stem construction and vey big flower. Not proportionate to its area( Comparing flower and stem) Flowers has this bright reddish colour which is very nice. To also note that the hairy construction of the flower must be for some purpose but yet to find out. Enjoy the pictures

27 November 2006

My Betta Enisae

Have 5 of these from exchange program. These are F1 bred locally. Turns out to have 4 males and 1 female. The setup is without substrate, just plain tank with bogwood and Java fern. The 5 Enisae are now adult form. Spawning took place one but no success. Female shy away hiding among the heavy planted setup. Typical of this species is the male with a black, turquoise and white band on the anal fin.

This morning the Kapuas pair was tossing eggs. I missed the spawning process. Good thing I took some picture yesterday. This wild betta Kapuas pair was given to me by a hobbyist after keeping for some time without success of breeding them.

26 November 2006

Wild Betta List

Here's a list of wild betta group


It's a wonder on the evolution of the wild betta and each group with different adaptation.

The real wild betta

Much to many people perception, the betta aka fighting fish are those found in local fish shop (LFS) at a price of S$1.50. The true betta lies in the wild of South East Asia. The following are the website I visit often to read and learnt about how people with similar interest collect betta from the wild.




Do hope that anyone of you reading my blog can experience the joy of betta keeping. Most of all there is only a little place left in the wild due to logging and habitat destroyed. Hopefully we can share with our younger generations.

25 November 2006

Recent Trip

Recent trip on a hunt for wild betta. Due to poor time management, did not catch anything on this trip but the beautiful location. Real wild country. The mosquitoes....also got to carefully go down steep terrain.


Here are some of the beautiful creatures from the wild. The male is having a green cheek. Cheeky man. The settings you see are closely setup in wild pugnax country condition. Of course better living condition. pH remains the same 5.5 but will lower when they start to eat. Believe me, they eat almost anything that moves including pellet food.

Singapore Pugnax

Finally after months of research, found this place in Thomson. Slow flowing stream. Quite unblieveable that the place have this kind of fish. Hehe. Caught a few adults, the pH was 5.5.