07 October 2007

Field Trip 6 Oct 2007, Pontian

Short trip to Pontain. Target fish is Betta Pulchra. This is the 3rd trip to Pontian and last 2 trips did not find the Pulchra. After some research, finally zoom in on the location. The location covers a small Kampong (village) ranging over a 5 km stretch of road. The first location only yielded Bellica. Got about 7 pieces in a single location. Very promising.

Bellica biotope and one in the net

See the tree on the left of vehicle with bird nest and a close up shot.

Oh. forget to mentioned that release back to the wild were at least 20 pieces of rasboras and 3 climbing perch

Move on the another location and saw a small black water stream over a plantation. First scoop, a juvenile betta. Thought it was a Bellica but on closer examination, it was a pugnax like fish. We know that pugnax has never been found in black water so it should be the pulchra. The biggest specimen at 6.5 to 7.0cm confirms that the betta is actually pulchra. Most annoying were the mosquitoes. About an hour there at most, we had almost 18 pieces, mostly juveniles. Question was where are the adult? The small stream branch into a main drainage and I believe, most of the good adult pulchra are in. Happy with the catch. hehe.

Anyway, had to move due to the rain, spoilt the show as it was drizzling quite heavily and thunder could be heard nearby. Enough la.

Photo taken after arrival

Stabalize after a day. Kept in ketapang water, pH 5.5

Unusual mosses.

On the way back, got a couple of Pugnax from Gelan Patah. This particular male is very coulourful compared to most of the pugnax caught

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